Our Manufacture

Manufacturing is the secret temple of the jeweler; a place of conception and creation of the beloved jewels, a world of precision and perfection. Join us for a unique visit into this private universe of jewellery making.

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The Azuelos manufacturing facility, a building of architectural purity, is located in the Agdal district of Rabat. The production chain, spread over three floors, is efficiently organized. Jewellers, model-makers, designers, stone-setters and watchmakers work together with passion and in harmony with the trademark work ethic of the Azuelos family jewellers. Each step in the conception of Azuelos jewellery takes place in this same space. Every participant in the process respects the demands for quality put in place from the beginning of the brand in 1920.

Joseph Azuelos, 92, continues to supervise the evolution of the production process with the same professionalism. The accumulated expertise of a team of highly-experienced artisans make it possible to give birth to the jewellery pieces signed by Azuelos. 

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